Location: Südtirol.
Year: 2015-2017
Oriented by: Council di Silandro, Bolzano.
Architectur competition SCHLANDERS 2020 townscape design, 1st price.
The new square consists of 51 grid fields and is located parallel to the direction of the valley, in a prominent location. It accommodates the needs of the people of Vetza and at the same time is designed as a unique panorama terrace of the central Venosta Valley with multiple uses. The view sweeps from the Goldrainer fields to the mountain peaks of the Ortler massif. The focus of the picture is the Vetzaner church with its massive tower. The three-dimensional geometry of the square takes over and underlines the conformation of the territory, like a blanket spread out in the landscape. In addition to 12 marked, permanent parking spaces, two grid fields are occupied by water areas, which can also be covered. A panorama lounger, two newly planted trees and three benches invite the population to sit on the slightly raised square and enjoy the view. The old walnut remains, is formally framed by the urban box and occupies a central position in Vetzan's redesign.